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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Marxism and Mountain Music - Bibliography

Bibliography for Marxism and Mountain Music

1935-04-08. “The Peace Strike” The Commentator. https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4931 [although YC can’t participate in the demonstration, it agrees with the ideology of the demonstrators]

1935-11-07. “Student Mobilization for Peace Scheduled At Yeshiva on Monday; Dr. Revel and Faculty to Speak” The Commentator. https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4935 [Student leaders organize a local demonstration at YC against Fascism a day before the national demonstration.]

1935-11-21. Gershon J. Feigon, “Students Hail United Front Opposing War” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4936

S. Koop Rehd, “Hapoel Hamizrachi Greets Freshmen with Billows of Smoke, Cake, Speakers, Dances, and a Veteran”

1936-03-05. Editorial, “Sinai versus Capitalism” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4941

1936-05-06. “ASU Group Formed by Yeshiva Students” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4945

“Plan For United Front Proposed by Ludwig Lore.” [argues for the need for a global opposition to fascism, citing Italy’s offenses against the labor movements in the country]

1936 Masmid. American Student Union https://archive.org/details/masmid1936/page/59/mode/1up?view=theater

1936-10-28. Eleazar Goldman, “Maybe I’m Wrong.” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4949

                Editorial, “Issues 1936 Style.”

1936-11-04. Editorial, “Democracy Vindicated” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4950 [celebrates the decision of the American people to uphold liberal democracy.]

1937-02-10. “Jewish Students in Poland Mistreated” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4961

                Eleazer Goldman, “Maybe I’m Wrong: To Comrade Stalin”

1937-03-17. “Anti-War Rally Set for April; Yeshiva to Join” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4965

1937-04-28. “Diverging views heard at peace day meeting” The Commentator https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4970 (editorial about the anti-nazi rally)

1937-12-15. “Walden Talks On Hapoel Hamizrachi,” The Commentator. https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4985

1938-01-05. “Letter to the Editor” [petitioning the student body to join the ASU. https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4986

1938-01-12. I Dlugacz, “Letter to the Editor” The Commentator. [argues against joining the American Student Union since they supported Stalin and not the ideology of Trotsky] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4987

1938-03-02. “Letter to the Editor” [anonymous student complains about working conditions for office workers at YC] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4990

1938-04-06. I Dlugacz, “Letter to the Editor” The Commentator. [critique of the socialism of Hapoel Hamizrachi, defends Trotsky’s interpretation of Marx.] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4992

1938-05-04. Editorial, “A United Appeal for Peace.” [Addresses the rising conflicts gloabally, and is signed by the editors of many student newspapers in the NYC] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4993

1938-10-18. “Jewish Students Launch Campaign Against Polish ‘Ghetto Benches,’” Jewish Telegraphic Agency https://www.jta.org/archive/jewish-students-launch-campaign-against-polish-ghetto-benches

1938-11-30. “German Persecution Denounced by Mass Protest in Auditorium.” https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/4998 (editorials in response to Kristallnacht)

1939-01-04. Editorial, “Youth versus Fascism” https://repository.yu.edu/handle/123456789/5000 (supportive of the efforts of the ASU)

1939-03-01. Purim Edition, “Assimilators Expelled as Novel Non-Aryan Policy Takes Effect” https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/5004

1939-10-11. Jacob E. Goldman, “Maybe I’m Wrong” The Commentator. [Comments on how Stalin’s alliance with Hitler betrays the fascist nature of his government despite its outwardly Marxist rhetoric. Considers the Russian part of the divided Poland to be worse for Orthodox Jewry since they were militantly atheist.] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/5011

1940-02-14. Jacob Goldman, “Maybe I’m Wrong’ [regarding communist control of the American Youth Congress.] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/5016

1940-02-28. Editorial, “Justice Begins at Home” The Commentator [demands that the admin provide better working conditions and pay to the office workers] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/5017

1940-03-27. Editorial, “Justice Begins At Home” The Commentator [students upset that the admin has retaliated against their complaint by preventing student waiters from collecting tips at a formal dinner] https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/5019

2008-01-28. Zev Eleff, “On Commentaries and Observations: The Origins of Newsprint Media at Yeshiva University,” The Commentator. https://web.archive.org/web/20091006100248/http://www.yucommentator.com/2.2828/on-commentaries-and-observations-1.297545

Zev Eleff, “Freedom And Responsibility: Censorship at Yeshiva College in the Early History of the Commentator,” Undergraduate Honors Thesis, (Yeshiva University, 2009). https://repository.yu.edu/handle/20.500.12202/4256

2011-04-13. Elie Friedman and Adam Zimilover, “The Holocaust in America: Yeshiva College During World War II,” The Commentator. https://web.archive.org/web/20110419134028/http://www.yucommentator.com/polopoly_fs/1.1820185!/75.8.pdf


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