This bibliography, mostly made up of articles published in Yeshiva University student newspapers and magazines, attempts to capture the development of the LGBTQ discourse at Yeshiva University prior to the formation of the Yeshiva University Pride Alliance. Many of the articles linked here were only recently made available online through the YU library's project to digitize student publications on its new online repository, YAIR. More recent articles that were published after around 2012 can still be found on the student newspaper's websites, and are linked at the appropriate entries. Generally, articles that were published between 2000 and 2011 are only preserved in the YU Library's archive as paper copies with a few captured by the Wayback Machine. I transcribed the articles that are no longer online and republished them here.
The Bibliography is divided into two sections. The first and largest contains a mix of news and opinion articles that in some way address the broader topic of LGBTQ identity. Some of the articles directly engage with the topic, while others include mere references that imply a particular perspective. The second section is much smaller and contains all the relevant satirical articles published in the Purim editions of the student newspapers as well as the two relatively short lived satirical newspapers.
For more information about the 2009 Panel titled "Being Gay in the Orthodox World," look here:
Section 1:
1963-11-20. Steven Prystowsky, “Survey Sees Many Jewish College Students Breaking Religious Ties.” The Commentator. [Survey finds that many of these Jewish students have no religious objection to homosexuality. Author of the piece finds this problematic.]
1966-09-22. Rabbi Marvin Antelman, “Historical Sources for Mechitzah Evaluated.” The Commentator. [Uses the term ‘homosexual’ to describe the male prostitute prohibited in Duet. 23:18.]
1968-02. Rabbi Norman Lamm, "The New Dispensation On Homosexuality: A Jewish Reaction To A Developing Christian Attitude," Jewish Life (New York, NY), Jan.-Feb. 1968. (responses to the article)
1968-02-21. “Rabbi Lamm Decries New Church Approach to Homosexuality Issue.” Hamevaser.
1971. "An Interview With Harvey Bernstein" Masmid 1971.
1974-04-24. David Gleicher, “Jewish Gays Form A Unique Type of Shul.” The Commentator. [Gleicher reports in homophobic terms. Anonymous ‘leader’ of synagogue attended Torah V’Daas and defended the mission of the synagogue saying it was bringing people closer to Judaism.]
1975-10-30. “Equal Rights Amendment: Con.” The Observer. [Suggests Homosexual marriage and adoption being legal as a Con for the proposed amendment to the NYS constitution.]
1977-03-23. Steve Cohen, “’Directions’ for Whom?” The Commentator. [Defends YCDS’ theoretical right to produce ‘Boys in the Band’ a play about gay musicians.]
Michael Goldberg, “Same Direction.” [Maintains his belief that such a play should have no place in YU.]
1978-11-08. Benjamin Hornstein, “Religious Observances Hindered In American Penal Institutions.” The Commentator. [Orthodox Jewish prisoner advocate Simcha Miller understands unsafe prison conditions to lead to homosexuality.]
1980-03-26. “Commie After Dark.” The Commentator. [Author recommends seeing the play ‘Bent’ which is about homosexual lovers suffering under Nazi oppression.]
1981-10-05. Dov Fisch, “Who is a Jew and What is a Smokescreen” Hamevaser.
1983-02-16. Michael Broyde, “Missionary Activities.” Hamevaser.
1984-02-29. Amy Rubin, “Experience The World.” The Observer. [Article about internships, Diane Feldman wrote an article about Gay rights for The Villager (Greenwich Village).]
1984-03-01. “RIETS Restructures Semikha Program: Fourth Year is Added.” The Commentator. [New curriculum includes instruction on the halachic perspective of modern issues including homosexuality.]
1984-11-00. Deena Schram, “Readings on Judaism and Psychology.” Hamevaser.
1986-02-00. Gershon Kaplan, “Behind Closed Doors.” Hamevaser. [Summarizes the perspectives of the YU Rabbanim on the issue of Homosexuality and the need to be compassionate for the AIDS crisis. Metadata incorrectly identifies the paper as a ‘Purim edition.’]
1986-12-31. Tzvi Dresdner, “Science and Health: Donating Blood — More Than a Phlebotomy.” The Commentator. [Discusses the need to donate more blood as a result of blood shortage due to AIDS crisis.]
1987-04-08. Zev Kleiner, “Hakarat HaTov.” The Observer. [Cardozo student is thankful for the Observer sending copies of the paper to Cardozo, since he feels the school is rather isolated from the greater Jewish YU community. One clear sign of that in his mind was the Gay and Lesbian club.]
1987-10-29. Josh Fruchter, “Lamm Meets With Students.” The Commentator. [Mentions a letter that circulated the dorms decrying YU for not shutting down a homosexual society at Einstein, Lamm defended the University’s policy.]
1988-11-08. Arnon Kemelman, “Eidelberg Slandered.” The Commentator. [Kemelman defends Eidelberg’s assessment of YU noting that Eidelberg righly found it problematic that there were professors at YU who supported Gay rights activism.]
1988-12-20. Behnam Dayanim, “Over 800 Attend Chanukah Dinner; YU Raises $84M.” The Commentator. [Surgeon General C. Everett Koop spoke about the issue of prejudice towards the homosexual population who are most affected by AIDS.]
1989-10-05. “Preview: Dinkins.” The Commentator. [Explanation of David Dinkin’s mayoral campaign platform includes his support of Gay rights.]
1990-10-31. Avi Lopin, “We Can’t Put Out the Fire.” The Commentator. [Lists Gay rights in America as one of many reasons to make Aliyah.]
1991-12-11. Michael Poppers, “Retort to a Republican.” The Commentator. [Critiques another article’s perspective that the republican party is the party of Orthodox Judaism, nevertheless, Poppers implies that he believes that homosexuality should be illegal.]
1993-02-17. Chava Boylan, “Losing Sight Of The Objective.” The Observer. [Discusses Bill Clinton’s first months in office, seems to ridicule his focus on the issue of Gay soldiers in the military.]
1993-02-24. Jamin Koslowe, “Tendler Speaks Out on AIDS; ‘Console, but don’t condone homosexual AIDS victims.’” The Commentator.
1993-03-31. Yoni Kadden, “Take Your Heads Out of the Sand.” The Commentator. [Praises the YUSPAC for their lecture raising awareness for AIDS.]
1993-04-28. Eric Creizman. “Lamm Addresses Controversial Issues at Dorm Talks.” The Commentator. [Lamm defends Beit Shimchat Torah’s ability to attend the Salute to Israel Parade, but limits them from using it as a platform to protest for gay rights.]
1993-05-11. Gene Alperovich, “YU Marches On — But Only After a Fight.” The Commentator. [YU refuses to march in Israel Parade if Beit Simchat Torah gets its own float. Organizers agree to force the synagogue to march under the general Reform movement banner.]
1993-11-23. Rayzel Kinderleher, “Jews Don’t Have AIDS.” The Observer. [Addresses misconceptions about AIDS within the orthodox community and urges more education about the disease.]
1993-12-08. Ryan S. Karben, “Sorounded By Controversy, YCDS Gears Up For ‘Lips Together, Teeth Apart,’”The Commentator. [Controversy arises over play that contains direct discussion of AIDS and homophobia, rabbinic faculty discourage students from attending the play.]
Steven Miodownik, “Rav Tendler Delivers Lecture on AIDS Awareness Day.” [Tendler maintains his stance of disapproval for the Gay lifestyle but encourages people to be compassionate to those infected with AIDS and be pragmatic about slowing the spread of the disease.]
Yisroel Holczer, “Homosexual Group Meets On JJC,” [Small group of Lesbian and Gay Wurzweiler students meet on campus, YU admin states that they must accomodate the students under NYC law but they disaprove of the activity.]
1993-12-22. Oren Keiser, “On Homosexuals at YU.” The Commentator. [Student defends WSSW pride alliance arguing that most members are not Jewish and not beholden to Jewish law.]
1994-03-10. Dov Simons, “Tough Issues Examined at Dorm Talks.” The Commentator. [Rabbi Lamm urges students to be respectful of Gay people, but to refrain from completely accepted the aspects of their lifestyle that are against Halacha.]
1994-05-01. David Schertz, “The Year in Review.” The Commentator. [Contains mention of the controversy around the Wurzweiler public discussions on Gay and Lesbian issues.]
1994-11-01. Owen Cyrulnik, “Debate Rages Over Gay Clubs at Cardozo.” The Commentator. [Outline of public outrage surrounding the existence of pride clubs at Cardozo, Einstein, WSSW.]
1994-11-15. Michael Fragin, “A Toava Cannot be Tolerated Within the Walls of YU.” The Commentator. [Fragin Wants YU to enforce Torah behavior on all its campuses and shut down the Cardozo Gay club.]
Zach Hepner, “Official Newspaper of YC.” [Wonders why Commentator is reporting on the Gay Club at Cardozo as it is not part of YC, the Comm’s jurisdiction.]
1994-12-12. Michele Berman, “AIDS Program Halted at YC and SCW.” The Observer. [Includes some commentary on YU admins attitudes toward homosexuality in the orthodox community.]
1994-12-14. Nachum Lamm, “Stand Up for Kiddush Hashem.” The Commentator. [Lamm argues that YU shouldn’t feel bound by its need to receive govt. funding but rather standing up for religious values would be a kiddush hashem.]
1995-02-14. Owen Cyrulnik. “YU in Midst of Turmoil Over Gay Club at Cardozo; Media Attention Puts Issue in the Spotlight.” The Commentator.
1995-02-28. Owen Cyrulnik, “YU Attorneys Meet With Student Press Over Cardozo Gay Issue.” The Commentator. [YU attorneys explain why it can’t prevent gay clubs from forming on campus, citing YU’s status as a non-religious corporation since late 60s.]
1995-04. Elli Schorr, “Abomination OR Just Plain Misunderstood; The Cardozo Controversy.” Hamevaser. [Schorr lays out his Halachic perspective of the controversy.]
1995-05-09. Meir S. Zeitchik. “Gay Club Publicity Threatens YU’s Image.” The Commentator.
1995-07-20. “Focus on Issues: Yeshiva College Students Seek to Establish Gay Club.” Jewish Telegraphic Agency. [Original article missing from pdf, transcribed version contains typos]
1995-09-13. Nick Muzin, “Rabbi Tendler Declares ‘Unqualified Support’ For President Lamm on Gay Issue.” The Commentator. [Rabbi Tendler supports Rabbi Lamm’s handling of the issue of pride clubs at YU graduate schools.]
1995-10-31. Abraham Unger, “Letter to the Editor: Speak Out.” The Commentator. [Unger wants YU admin to speak out against the clubs more adamantly.]
1996-03-27. Shmuel Bodenheimer, “CBS Correspondent Lectures on American-Israeli Relations.” The Commentator. [Dan Raviv defends Clinton’s stance on Jonathan Pollard by noting that he had to act tough after being ‘soft’ on Gay soldiers in the military.]
1996-04-24. Ari D. Hirt. “The 1990’s.” The Commentator. [Contains summary of the controversy surrounding gay clubs at Cardozo and Wurzweiler in the previous year.]
1996-04-29. Arnon Storfer, “Faculty Votes to Allow Two Credits for YCDS.” The Commentator. [Mentions controversy over play that contained homosexual and homophobic themes.]
1996-05-07. Owen Cyrulnik, “From the Editor Emeritus.” The Commentator. [considers gay clubs to be a threat to YU’s existence as a proponent of Torah U’Madda.]
1996-09-05. Dina Bogner, “’Rent’ Rocks the Theater World.” The Observer. [Bogner praises play that includes protagonists who are Gay and have AIDS and are struggling to make rent.]
1996-12-20. Benjamin Balint, “Traditional Jewish Liberalism.” The Commentator. [Balint critiques Jews who claim tradition as a basis for their leftwing values (including Gay liberation) as detached and ignorant from the tradition. He finds conservative values to be a better representation of the Jewish tradition.]
1997-10-06. Benjamin Balint, “It’s the Morality, Stupid: Jews for Gingrich.” The Commentator. [Balint continues his attack on Jewish Liberalism.]
1998-02-23. Michelle Muller, “McBride, Kincaid Speak for Authors-in-Residence Series.” The Observer. [Includes description of Kincaid’s book ‘My Brother’ about her brother who was Gay and died of AIDS.]
1998-08-23. Chanan Hoschander, “Housing Denied To Homosexual Couples.” The Commentator. [Gay couples at AECOM denied housing.]
1998-09-08. Mordechai Levovitz, “This Policy is a DRAG!” The Commentator.
1998-09-10. Sarah Cate, “Einstein Sued.” The Observer. [Gay and Lesbian partners of AECOM students denied university housing.]
1998-10-29. Yehudit Robinson, “A Call For Tolerance.” The Observer. [Notes the murder of Matthew Shepard and calls for people to be more accepting of gay people without disregarding Halacha.]
1998-11-17. Jason Cyrulnik. “On-Campus Military Recruiting Draws Ire of Cardozo Gay Community.” The Commentator.
1998-12-22. Etan Mintz, “Homosexuality, Torah U’Madda, and the Messiah; Lamm Confronts the Issues that Move YU Students at Fall Dorm Talks.” The Commentator.
1999-03-09. Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler. “Edah and the ‘Luchos Ho’edus.’” The Commentator. [Tendler accuses ‘Edah’ a more liberal orthodox organization of condoning reform and respecting Gay rabbis.]
1999-03-22. Dassi Zeidel, “Israeli Culture Comes to New York.” The Observer. [Gay character in an Israeli movie at Israeli film festival in NY.]
Dina Gielchinsky, “They Should Have Called it ‘Very Ordinary People.’” [Review of the play ‘Public Places, Private Lives’, which contains a gay character.]
1999-05-18. Aaron Klein. “RIETS Musmach Announces His Homosexuality; YU Rabbeim Are Appalled.” The Commentator.
1999-09-06. Mordechai Levovitz, “Defending the Schmutz.” The Commentator. [Levovitz defends modern secular sexually liberated culture as within the bounds of Judaism’s respect for logical moral laws, since it revolves around a common understanding of consent.]
2000-02-21. Adam Cohen, “Baseball’s Bigot.” The Commentator. [discusses the potential issues with MLB suspending player for being racist and homophobic. Ultimately concludes that MLB’s decision to penalize the player is good for minorities in general.]
2000-04-11. Marina Stolerman, "Boy Dead in Wisconsin," The Observer. [Poem about Gay college student who was murdered.]
2000-05-22. Jonathan Rubin, “Gay Musmach Speaks at Yeshiva Student's Apartment.” The Commentator. link
“Yeshiva Denies Housing for Same-Sex Couples; Appeals court Upholds Decision and Practice; Future Policy Unclear.”link
2000-09-28. David Rosen, “Spitzer to Support Gay Students in Einstein Housing Battle.” The Commentator. link
Editorial, “#45 -- Religious Affiliation: None.” link
2001-08-28. Adina Levine, “Likely Victory for Lesbian Lawsuit; Court of Appeals Decision Changes Course of the Case.” The Observer.
2001-12-11. Steven I. Weiss, “Movie Review: Trembling Before G-d.” The Commentator. link
“Trembling Before G-D: An Interview With the Director.” link
2001-12-18. Jessica Russak, “The Facts of Life.” The Observer. [Defends the inclusion of explicit literature in the curriculum includes example of play about Gay soldiers.]
2002-01-08. Steven I. Weiss, “Trembling Before G-D: An Interview with the Director, Part II.” The Commentator. link
2002-08-25. Zack Streit, “From the Editor's Desk.” The Commentator. link
2002-08-26. Miriam Colton, “New Policy Permits Same-Sex Couples in Einstein Housing.” The Observer.
2002-09-11. Zack Streit, “From the Editor's Desk.” The Commentator. link
2002-10-18. Michael Matto, “Torah or Homophobia?” The Commentator. link
2002-12-31. Ben Shapiro, “Richard Joel: The Wrong Man for the Job.” The Commentator. link
2003-03-28. Shayndi Raice, “Moving On Up.” The Observer.
2003-May/June. Yechiel Weiner, “Regarding the Main Transgression in Forbidden Sexual Activity: The Act of Sex or the Pleasure, Specifically with Homosexuality, Bestiality, Sex With a Non-Jew, and a Menstruating Woman.” [Hebrew] Beit Yitzchak 35 (2003).
2003-08-27. Jason Koslowe, “Res Publica; A Case For Gay Marriage.” The Commentator. link
2004-02-19. Amitai Bin-Nun, “Confrontation with Same-Sex Marriage.” The Commentator. link
2004-09. Rebecca Rosenberg, “Ali G: From the Kibbutz to Hollywood.” The Observer.
2005-04. Ilana Levin, “Jewish Community Mourns Pope John Paul II.” The Observer.
2005-05-16. Josh Harrison, “A Shtikle Faygele, Uber Nisht a Zionishe Kayfer.” The Commentator. link
2005-11. Suri Greenwald, “A Light Goes Out: Remembering Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger.” The Observer.
Laya Pelzner, “A Look at the Advertising Industry: Advertising Week 2005.”
2006-03. Rachel Ali Elbaz, “Tit for Tat: Livingstone’s Comments and Consequences Reconsidered.” The Observer.
Sara Chamama, “The Downtown Connection.”
2006-04-03. Eitan Kastner, “University Dismisses Gay Einstein Student’s Discrimination Claim.” The Commentator. link
2006-12. Chana Wiznitzer, “Modesty, Violence and Priorities.” The Observer.
2007-03. Gila Kletenik, “In God We Trust But Separation is a Must.” The Observer. [Decries America’s obsession with identity politics from a left wing perspective, seems to fear a religious ban of Abortion and Gay marriage.]
2007-09. Olivia Wiznitzer, “The Importance of Human Dignity: Am I in place of God?” The Observer.
2007-10-23. Paul Adam, “How We Lost the Right to Censure Ann Coulter.” The Commentator. link
2007-11. Shlomit Cohen, “The General Assembly: Reflections on Jewish Identity and Social Justice.” The Observer.
2008-09-25. Noach Lerman, Mordechai Siev, and Daniel Kahn, “Yeshiva Values in The University; Transgender Professor Generates Discussion: What are YU's Values?” The Commentator. link
2008-10-03. Olivia Wiznitzer, “To Understand is not to Condone” The Observer.
Olivia Wiznitzer, “Transitioning: The Halachic Ramifications.”
Olivia Wiznitzer, “Dr. Ladin’s Transformative Journey.”
Olivia Wiznitzer, “Transsexual Professor at Stern College: Student Perspectives.”
“Interview With a Transsexual Within the Orthodox Jewish Community.”
Aviva Bellman, “Gender Identity Disorder: What Is It?”
Olivia Wiznitzer, “Transsexuals in the Frum Community Speak Out.”
2009-01-01. Raffi Holzer, “Should YU Tolerate Tolerance?” The Commentator. link
Pearl Herzog, “Letter to the Editor”. link
2009-02-10. Michael Schopf, “Is Tolerance Always Appropriate,” The Commentator. link
Lawrence I. Bonchek, “Tolerant Enough?”
Avi Kelvin, “Halakhic Mask.”
2009-February. Anonymous, “A Burning Fire and a River of Tears: One Day in My Shoes.” Kol Hamevaser. [Anonymous gay student confides in his struggle to belong in orthodox spaces.]
2009-04-02. Ezra Alter and Noach Lerman, “Kol Hamevaser Pulls Issue on Relationships & Sexuality.” The Commentator. link
2009-10-29. Anonymous, “The Homosexual Question: Time for Modern Orthodoxy to Remove the Blindfold.” The Commentator. link
2009-11-19. Julian Horowitz, “Framing the Issue: Responses and Reactions to ‘The Homosexual Question.’” The Commentator. link
Sivan Kerem and Jo Jo Freundel, “Responses to ‘The Homosexual Question.’” link
Sammy Steiner, “Relating to Homosexuality: An Interview with Dr. David Pelcovitz.” link
2009-12-21. “News Briefs: New Events Promote Discussions of Homosexuality on Campus.” The Commentator. link
2009-12-21. Tovah Silbermann, “Tolerating the Tolerance Club.” The Observer. link
Yaelle Frohlich, “President Richard Joel and Menahel Rabbi Yona Reiss Issue Statement Addressing Religious Proscription of Homosexual Activity.” link
Simi Lampert, “‘Trembling Before G-d’ at TAC Event.” link
2009-12-23. Michael Cinnamon, “Out of the Closet; Homosexual Student and Alumni Speak to Standing-Room-Only Crowd on Wilf Campus.” The Commentator. See Comments on the Wayback Machine
2010-02-01. Editorial, “Sensitivity in the Face of Controversy: Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 19:17.” Kol Hamevaser.
Raphy Rosen, “Where do We Go From Here?”
2010-02-09. Michael Cinnamon, “From the Desk of the Editor-in-Chief: A Brief, and (Hopefully) Final Analysis of the Gay Panel and Its Implications.” The Commentator. See Comments on the Wayback Machine
2010-02-11. “Timeline of YU Homosexuality Discussion.” The Observer. link
2010-03-23. “Closetators Stolen.” The Commentator. link2010-08-26. Simeon Botwinick, “A Statement of Principles for the Orthodox Community.” The Commentator. link
2011-11-10. Yitzhak Bronstein, “Learning from the Murder of Rabin,” The Commentator.
2011-12-09. Zvi Weiss, “Letter to the Editor: A Response to ‘Learning from the Murder of Rabin,’” The Commentator.
Yitzhak Bronstein, “Letter to the Editor [Responding to Zvi Weiss].”
2011-12-21. Joshua Freundel, “Sex, Scandal, and the Response of Our Orthodox Institutions,” The Commentator.
Benjamin Abramowitz, “Rendezvous with Reality: A Response to the Beacon Controversy.”
Zvi Weiss, “Letter to the Editor [Responding to Yitzhak Bronstein].” link
Yitzhak Bronstein, “Letter to the Editor [Responding to Zvi Weiss].” link
2012-03-21. Daniel Atwood, “Should We be Mourning Joe Paterno? Homosexual Acceptance and the Prevention of Rape.” The Commentator.
2012-05-15. Amy Stone, “On the Dangerous Dykes Book Tour.” Lilith.
2012-11-15. Arel Kirshstein, “A Letter to the Student Body From a Non-Anonymous Homosexual Student.” The Commentator.
2012-12-31. Sarah King, “Something Rich and Strange.” The Observer.
2013-02-15. Arel Kirshstein, “Coming Out Narratives Beyond the LGBT Experience.” The Commentator.
2013-10-20. Gavriel Brown. “United States of Judaism: the Pew and the Future of Modern Orthodoxy.” The Commentator. (Mentions majority of Modox support LGBT)
2014-04-04. Dasha Sominski, “A Call for Safe Space.” The Commentator.
2015-01-02. Sarala Pool, “Merchav Batuach: Creating Safe Spaces on Campus.” The Observer.
2015-02-09. Daniel Atwood, “Creating a Community of Support.” The Commentator.
2015-02-22. Eli Balsam, “Discrimination or Not? You Decide.” The Commentator.
2015-03-17. Daniela Alexandra Porat, “Out, Proud, and Kinda Loud at Yeshiva University.” Tablet Magazine.
2015-05-12. Blanche Haddad, “Seeing a Professor Anew: An Insight into the Trans and Jewish Narrative of Dr. Joy Ladin.” The Observer.
2015-05-12. Meira Nagel, “An Insight Into RFRA: Religious Freedom v. Civil Discrimination.” The Observer.
2015-08-25. Makena Owens, “Stop, Drop and Don’t Just Roll With It.” The Observer.
2015-08-25. Miriam Pearl Klahr, “My Lonely Reaction to Obergefell v. Hodges.” The Observer.
2015-10-19. Yadin Teitz, “Give and Let Live?” The Commentator.
2015-11-16. Miriam Renz, “‘There’s Something I have to Tell You’: Creating an Emersonian Community.” The Observer.
Section 2 [Satire]:
1966-Purim. “Fagel Flees, Lizzie Leaves; Pick a Queen, Pick a Dean.” The Observer.
1972-Purim. “Badboy: ‘Man Of The Year.’” The Commentator.
1975-Purim. “Litter To The Editor.” The Commentator.
1975-02-26-Purim. “SOY Calls for Wine Women and Song.” The Observer.
1995-Purim. “Thanks A Bundle.” The Commentator.
“Nulman Forces Gay Club to Remain Open at Cardozo.
“Fifth Jewish Studies Program Unveiled.”
“The Yeshiva University Purim Story.”
1996-Purim. “YU Christian Club Finally Pushes Lamm too Far.” The Commentator.
1996-Purim. “Shir La-Shalom: The Making of a President, 5756.” Hamevaser.
1998-Purim. “It Is Peram, Share in My Simka.” The Commentator.
1999-Purim. Suri Negiah, “SCW and YC to Hold Coed Dance.” The Observer.
2001-03-08-Purim. “Under the Mechitzah.” The Observer.
2002-02-Purim. Dean Canadian Bacon, “Get Back in the Closet.” The Commentator.
2003-03-Purim. [Table] “Perhaps Our Campus Isn’t As Polarized As Thought.” The Commentator.
“YSU President and Desecrator News Editor Make Out Up.”
2003-11-07. Jayson Blair Jr., “Closet Only Simchas Viewer Also Closet Homosexual.” The Leper.
2004-Purim. Haysoos Christianson, “Jesus: God to Some, Religious Icon to Others and Now International Celebrity.” The Observer.
2010-02-28. [PURIM - The Closetator] “Prominent Rosh Yeshiva Emerges From Closet,” The Commentator.
“New Boxers: Yeshiva Hosts Panel of Intolerant Bigots.”
“‘Recent Events’ Catching On.”
“Student Pulse: Gay, Cheating, Coffee, and Such.”
“אזהרה חמורה.”
2010-02-28. [Purim - The Unobservant] Goatee McMurray, “Being Four Sons in the Orthodox World.” The Observer.
Shalva Shalom, “In Light of Recent Events.”
Rav Hamechaber, “Last Week's News Briefs.”
Anonymous, “The Heterosexual Question.”
2011-02-22. Arel Kirshstein, “OHP Creates Conversion Therapies for Straight Men.” The Quipster. [The full article is missing from the Wayback Machine. title on archived website. Twitter, Facebook]
2011-03-Purim. “Burns Security Guard Unsure Whether to Let Transgendered Professor into Glueck,”The Commentator.
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