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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

2009-01-01 - The Commentator - Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Pearl Herzog

January 1, 2009

Dear Editor,

As a former student in the Bernard Revel Graduate School, I feel tremendously pained by Yeshiva University's terrible monetary loss. I have been cringing each time I've picked up a newspaper with Madoff in the headline, and with a heavy heart have been absorbing all the heartbreaking details. But it was today's New York Times front page article, entitled "Betrayed by Madoff, Yeshiva U. Adds a Lesson," that prompted me to pen this letter.

I believe as G-d fearing and Torah Jews, we must have faith and trust that G-d made Madoff and Merkin the vehicles for the terrible financial loss of YU. It seems evident to me that Madoff did what he did only from mental ill health. The fact that he participated in many philanthropic activities and issued profits for years to those who befriended and trusted him, is testimony to his good character and, unfortunately, seemingly low self-esteem. That he apparently did not involve his own sons points to the fact that he was in his own fantasy world, and for that we wish him a refuah sheleimah. Instead of YU debating Madoffs sins - we are forbidden to judge anyone until we are in his shoes - YU should be debating a more importapt question: why Hashem, the One who determines every Rosh Hashana the income, profits and losses of each of one us, decided to cause this debacle which resulted in a chillul Hashem?

When Yeshiva University reinstated a transgender English Professor while the Spring Arbor University; a Christian college in Michigan, did not renew its contract with its transgender faculty member, it was a betrayal of our Torah. Torah law was violated and at that point YU stopped being part of the Halachic universe. YU possibly feared at the time that a lawsuit which would entail a huge sum would follow if the faculty member were terminated because he/she had already been given tenure. If YU had spent legal fees on that issue, Hashem may have not caused YU to now spend exponentially greater sums to try to recoup its losses.

Not that long ago Yeshiva University received a record $100 million gift from a philanthropist, Mr. Stanton. Instead of using it to promote the Torah, almost all went to the Madda part. Yeshiva University was created as an institution of Torah and Madda and when there was an imbalance where the emphasis was placed almost wholly on Madda, this great gift ended up being lost through investment. I give Yeshiva University a blessing that this imbalance should be corrected in favor of the Torah, which we all know is the true foundation of the world. And in that zchus, may Yeshiva University merit to increase its bounty and go from strength to strength.

With love of Israel and Torah,
Pearl (Preschel) Herzog
Dr. Herzog teaches Jewish History at Kean University

(All rights belong to the Commentator)

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