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Sunday, May 14, 2023

YCSC Constitution from 1996 Guide


We, the students of Yeshiva College, in order to further the interests and provide for the general welfare of the Student Body, cooperate with Yeshiva College administrators and faculty in handling problems concerning the Student Body, provide for the management of student activities, maintain cooperative exchange of ideas with Student Bodies of other institutions, do hereby establish this Constitution of the Student Council of Yeshiva College.

ARTICLE I Name and Purpose

Section 1:

  1. The representative organ of the Student Body of Yeshiva College shall be the Yeshiva College Student Council.
  2. The Yeshiva College Student Council shall represent the students of Yeshiva College in all their collective dealings with the administration and faculty of Yeshiva College and with similar organizations in other institution and shall determine policy for the Student Body for all student affairs.

ARTICLE II Membership

Section 1:

The Executive Board of the Yeshiva College Student Council shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.

Section 2:

  1. The President of the Yeshiva College Student Council must be a senior in good standing and a full-time student.
  2. The President shall preside over all meetings of Student Council, shall prepare an agenda before all such meetings, shall appoint all members of standing and special committees, shall call meetings of the entire Student Body when necessary, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and clubs, and shall act as the representative of the Student Body at all official functions and meetings with the administration and faculty.
  3. If for any reason the President cannot assume his duties temporarily, the Vice President shall fill his position. If the President is permanently disabled before March 1, the Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency and an election for a new Vice President shall be held within two weeks. If the vacancy occurs after March 1, the Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency and shall appoint a Vice President with the approval of Student Council.

Section 3:

  1. The Vice President of Yeshiva College Student Council must be a senior in good standing and a full-time student.
  2. The Vice President shall assist the President of Student Council in the performance of his duties, shall be Committee Coordinator and therefore an ex-officio member of all committees and shall give committee reports as called for by the President if the various Committee chairmen are unavailable, shall be Club Coordinator and therefore ex-officio member of all clubs, shall receive and act upon all student complaints, and shall serve as the Executive Council liaison to all class officers and assist them in coordinating class activities.
  3. If for any reason the Vice President cannot assume his duties temporarily, the President shall appoint a temporary replacement with the approval of Student Council. If the Vice President is permanently disabled before March 1, an election for a new Vice President shall be held within two weeks. If the vacancy occurs after March 1, the President shall appoint a replacement with the approval of Student Council.

Section 4:

  1. The Treasurer of Yeshiva College Student Council must be a senior in good standing and a full-time student.
  2. The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all receipts and expenditures of Student Council and shall be responsible for auditing and monitoring the finances of all Student Council extensions, clubs and societies.
  3. The Treasurer shall present a detailed financial report to Student Council at the end of each semester and shall arrange, through the office of the dean of students for an audit at the end of the spring semester.
  4. The Treasurer shall coordinate all major fund raising activities and be responsible for raising necessary revenues.
  5. If for any reason the Treasurer cannot assume his duties temporarily, the President shall appoint a temporary replacement with the approval of Student Council. If the Treasurer is permanently disabled before March 1, an election for a new Treasurer shall be held within two weeks. If the vacancy occurs after March 1, the President shall appoint a replacement with the approval of Student Council.

Section 5:

  1. The Secretary of Yeshiva College Student Council must be at least a Junior in good standing and a full-time student.
  2. The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting of Student Council, shall be responsible for all Student Council correspondences, and shall maintain a file with copies of all Student Council correspondences, minutes, signed agreements, laws and by laws and other official documents, and shall maintain the official calendar of activities of Student Council or the subsidiaries of Student Council and be responsible for all publicity arrangement.
  3. If for any reason the Secretary cannot assume his duties temporarily, the President shall appoint a temporary replacement with the approval of Student Council. If the Secretary is permanently disabled before March 1, an election for a new Secretary shall be held within two weeks. If the vacancy occurs after March 1, the President shall appoint a replacement with the approval of Student Council.

Section 6:

  1. The Representatives of each class shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. All class officers must be members of their respective graduating classes and be in good standing as checked upon by the Canvassing Committee, through the office of the Dean of students and determined by the office of the Registrar.
  3. The class officers shall represent their respective classes at all meetings of Student Council, shall hold class meetings at their discretion with the class President presiding, to report to Student Council activities and to discern student opinion of current issues, and shall be responsible for all class functions, providing a minimum of one each semester.
  4. The Secretary-Treasurer of each class shall record minutes of all class meetings and shall submit copies to the Secretary of Student Council, shall maintain a file of all class correspondence and official documents, shall be responsible for all finances for class activities in cooperation with the Treasurer and Secretary of Student Council, and shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures.
  5. The Junior Class officers shall arrange an annual meeting with the Dean, the members of the Guidance Department, alumni, and the Junior Class to inform the class of graduate school, fellowship, and career opportunities.
  6. The Senior officers shall be responsible for the arrangements for the Senior Dinner and Senior Service Awards.
  7. If any class officer cannot assume his duties temporarily, the officer below him in rank shall fill the position. If the vacancy is permanent, and occurs before March 1, an election shall be held within two weeks of the succession to fill the position. If the vacancy occurs after March 1, the President of the class shall appoint a replacement.

Section 7:

  1. No student may be a member of Student Council while holding the position of Editor-in-Chief of the Commentator, Editor-in-Chief of Masmid, Editor-in-Chief of Tempo, Chief Justice of the Student Court, Station Manager of WYUR, a Student Senator, or any member of a student council of another Yeshiva University school.
  2. No student may be a member of the Executive Board of Student Council while holding the position of a member of the Governing Boards of Commentator, Masmid, WYUR, or the Dramatics Society, nor while being a Justice on Student Court or serving as Student Senator.

ARTICLE III Elections and Installations

Section 1:

  1. Elections for the following year’s Executive Board of Yeshiva College Student Council shall be held not earlier than the second week in March or later than the first week in May.
  2. Elections for class officers for the following Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes shall be held no later than the second week in May.
  3. Petitions for nominations for Executive Board members and class officers must be submitted to the Canvasing Committee no later than one week before the announced date for the elections. Petitions for all officers must have signatures of no less than one third of the respective voting body. Petitions are only valid if they clearly designate the position for which a nomination is sought and are not valid for any position other than designated.
  4. Any candidate may run for only one office.
  5. Before Executive Board elections an assembly shall be called by the Canvassing Committee for the presentation of candidates and platforms.
  6. All rules governing the elections shall be clearly outlined by the Canvasing Committee for the candidates upon presentation of petitions and failure to adhere to these rules may result in disqualification of candidacy.

Section 2:

  1. All full-time students (except those jointly enrolled in high school) at may vote in the election for President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Yeshiva College Student Council.
  2. All full-time students (except those jointly enrolled in high school) who are members of a particular class at the time of election may vote for all officers of that class for the following year.

Section 3:

All officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast, excluding blanks, by the use of the preferential system, the elections to be conducted by the Canvassing Committee.

Section 4:

All Yeshiva College Student Council shall be inducted by the outgoing President in the presence of the outgoing Student Council. Official duties of the incoming officers will be assumed upon graduation day of the Senior class.


Section 1:

The Yeshiva College Student Council shall meet either upon the discretion of the President or upon petition to the President by a majority of the Student Council within the time requested by the petition.

Section 2:

A majority of Student Council shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3:

  1. All other meetings of Yeshiva College Student Council shall be open meetings unless a closed meeting is called by the President or by petition of a majority of Student Council. Once an one meeting is in progress, it may be closed only by a vote of a majority of Student Council.
  2. At open meetings all students may participate in debate upon recognition by the President, but only elected Representatives shall have parliamentary power.
  3. Only members of Student Council shall be allowed to vote. One written proxy on agenda matters will be accepted per year for each member.
  4. The President shall vote on any issue put before Student Council only in order to make or break a tie.
  5. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of Student Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the Constitution of Yeshiva College Student Council.
  6. At each meeting of Student Council the Secretary shall have with him a copy of the Constitution of Yeshiva College Student Council and a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order.

ARTICLE V Powers of Yeshiva College Student Council and the Student Body

Section 1:

The Yeshiva College Student Council shall have the powers to:

  1. Be the representative, self-governing body of the Yeshiva College Student Body and have precedence over all other organized and duly established Yeshiva College student organization.
  2. Exercise legislative, executive, and judicial authority over all student extracurricular organizations and activities.
  3. Represent student opinion in all student-faculty-administration relations.
  4. Administrate any finances as necessary for any Student Council functions.
  5. Grant or revoke the charter of any Yeshiva College Student organization.
  6. Impose sanctions upon any student organization for infraction of this Constitution, its By-Laws, or any regulations passed by Student Council.
  7. Affiliate or disaffiliate with recognized regional, national, or international student organizations and their activities.
  8. Coordinate all duly chartered and recognized student organizations and their activities.
  9. Regulate all student elections through a Canvassing Committee.
  10. Provide for the preparation and publication of all student publication.
  11. Adjudicate, either as whole or through a committee, all cases concerning individual students that involve violations of this Constitution, its By-Laws, or regulations passed by Student Council, as well as the General Rules of the College.
  12. Authorize all student social functions.
  13. Receive any recall, initiative, or referendum petitions pertaining to Student Council or the Student Body. Within two weeks of receipt of such petitions an election shall be held, the results to be determined by a simple majority.
  14. Regulate the use of University facilities by students of Yeshiva College.

Section 2:

The Student Body of Yeshiva College shall have the power to:

  1. File petitions of initiative, referendum, and recall by no less than a two-thirds of the Student Body.
  2. Elect all members of Student Council.
  3. Retain the executive, legislative, and electoral powers of classes and organizations except where otherwise defined by this Constitution.

ARTICLE VI Impeachment

Section 1:

  1. Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any member of the Executive Board of Student Council by a majority of Student Council or by a petition signed by at least two-thirds of the Student Body.
  2. Impeachment proceedings may be brought against any class officer by any member of Student Council or by a petition signed by at least two-thirds of his class.
  3. A motion for investigation of the charges against any member of Student Council must be passed by a majority whereby the President of Student Council shall appoint an investigation committee, composed of members of Student Council, to secure the facts involved.
  4. The accused shall be tried at a closed meetings of Student Council as soon as possible, whereby Student Council shall discuss the case, the accused being given every opportunity to present his defense.
  5. Conviction and removal of the accused from office shall require a two-thirds vote, counting the President’s vote in the whole.
  6. The accused shall not vote and shall not be included in the tabulation of the majority.
  7. Proceedings to the impeachment meetings are disclosed subject to the discretion of the President. If the President is indicted it is subject to discretion of the Vice President.

ARTICLE VII Extensions

Section 1:

  1. The Radio Station of Yeshiva University shall be WYUR, which shall broadcast during hours determined by the Managing Board.
  2. The station shall have one Faculty Advisor, who shall be selected by the Managing Board with the approval of the last year’s Faculty Advisor.
  3. Editorial policy of WYUR shall be determined by the Managing Board along with the Faculty Advisor.
  4. The Managing Board shall be elected at the end of the academic year, subject to the approval of the next year’s Student Council.
  5. Funds for the operation of WYUR shall be obtained by allocation in the annual budget of Student Council and by advertisements as the Managing Board and Student Council feel necessary.
  6. WYUR shall broadcast publicity announcement for Student Council and any other information requested by the Executive Council.

Section 2:

  1. The Dramatics Society of Yeshiva College shall produce dramatic presentations for the enjoyment of the Student Body. Faculty, and Administration of Yeshiva College.
  2. The Dramatics Society shall choose a Faculty Advisor each year.
  3. All presentations to be produced shall be selected jointly by the officers of the Dramatics Society and the Faculty Advisor.
  4. The outgoing President shall appoint the President for the following year who will, in turn, select the other officers for the following year, with the approval of Student Council.
  5. Funds for the production of Dramatics Society presentation shall be obtained by allocation in the annual budget of Student Council.

ARTICLE VIII Publications

Section 1:

  1. The official undergraduate newspaper of Yeshiva College shall be the Commentator, which shall be published every two weeks, subject to the discretion of the Governing Board.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief of the Commentator must be a Senior.
  3. The Governing Board of Commentator alone shall determine the editorial policies of the newspaper and shall be responsible for its content.
  4. The Governing Board for the following year shall be elected by the outgoing Governing Board at the end of the academic year, subject to approval of the following year’s Student Council.
  5. Commentator shall have no Faculty Advisor.
  6. The President of Student Council may sit in on all meetings of the Governing Board of Commentator.
  7. Funds for the publication of Commentator shall be obtained by allocation in the annual budget of Student Council and by advertisements as the Governing Board feels necessary.

Section 2:

  1. The official Senior yearbook of Yeshiva College shall be the Masmid.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief of Masmid shall be a Senior chosen at the end of his Junior year by a class election conducted and advertised by the Junior class officers, to be approved by the following year’s Student Council.
  3. The Editor-in-Chief shall choose his own staff, the Governing Board to be approved by Student Council.
  4. The President of the Senior class may attend all meetings of the Governing Board of Masmid.
  5. Funds for the publication of Masmid shall be obtained by allocation in the annual budget of Student Council and whatever money-making projects the Governing Board feels necessary, with the approval of Student Council.

Section 3:

  1. The official literary publication of Yeshiva College shall be Kol.
  2. The outgoing Editor-in-Chief shall appoint the Editor-in-Chief for the following year, who will, in turn, select the staff for the following year, with the approval of the Yeshiva College Student Council.
  3. Funds for the publication of Kol shall be obtained by allocation in the annual budget of the Yeshiva College Student Council.

Section 4:

  1. The official information publication of Yeshiva College shall be Tempo.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief of Tempo must be a Senior.
  3. The Governing Board for the year shall be elected by the outgoing Governing Board at the end of the academic year, subject to the approval of the following year’s Student Council.

ARTICLE IX Committees

Section 1:

  1. All committee chairmen shall be appointed by the President of Yeshiva College Student Council with the approval of a majority of Yeshiva College Student Council.
  2. Standing committee chairmen and Justices of the Student Court shall be appointed at the first meeting of the new Student Council. Other committee members shall be appointed by the second meeting.
  3. Special committees shall be appointed as the President sees fit with the approval of Student Council.

Section 2:

The following Standing Committees shall be appointed yearly:

  1. The Athletic Committee shall coordinate all intramural sports.
  2. The Academic Standards Committee shall have two student representatives, one a Senior and one a Junior.
  3. The Curriculum Committee shall have two student representatives, one a Senior and one a Junior.
  4. The Canvassing Committee shall be in charge of all elections for members of the Executive Council and Class Officers.
  5. The Guidance Committee shall coordinate Freshman Orientation, and work with the College Guidance Department on all related programs.
  6. The Entertainment Committee shall organize all student entertainment events both on and off campus.
  7. The Communal Affairs Committee shall cooperate with the university’s related departments to promote student involvement in community service.
  8. The Blood Drive Committee shall arrange with the Red Cross to have periodic Blood Drives on Campus.
  9. The Dormitory Committee shall arrange Sabbath programs and other events of a dormitory oriented nature.
  10. The Student Directory Committee shall publish a yearly Student-Faculty Directory with listings of names, addresses and phone numbers of all students and faculty of Yeshiva College, committee chairmen, club officers, publications, an academic calendar and a list of special events for the coming year.

Section 3:

The President may also appoint a Parliamentarian as advisor on Constitutional and parliamentary matters and a Sergeant-at-Arms to help keep decorum for all meetings of Student Council.

ARTICLE X Clubs/Societies

Section 1:

  1. Any group of students wishing to form a club affiliated with Yeshiva College Student Council shall submit to the President a petition to that effect containing the name of the proposed club, a statement of its purpose and goals, not less than twenty signatures of students in good standing, and the signature of a Faculty Advisor. The President shall present the petition to Yeshiva College Student Council at the following meeting. A signatory of the petition shall be present to answer questions regarding the proposed club.
  2. A majority vote shall be necessary to establish the club with full rights and privileges.
  3. At the first meeting of the new club the members shall nominate and elect officers.
  4. This section is to be posted in the lobby of each dorm, Furst Hall, and Belfer Hall at the beginning of the fall semester.

Section 2:

  1. Any student in good standing may join any club affiliated with Student Council.
  2. By November 15 the President of each club shall submit to the Vice President of Yeshiva College Student Council a list of the members of that club.

Section 3:

  1. The date for all club elections shall be set by the respective club chairmen and verified by Yeshiva College Student Council.
  2. All club officers shall assume their duties upon instillation of the new Student Council.
  3. Each club/society must present to Yeshiva College Student Council a statement of the governing guidelines and electoral process, to be voted upon and ratified by Yeshiva College Student Council.

Section 4:

  1. By November 15 the President of each club shall submit to the Vice President of Yeshiva College Student Council a tentative schedule of meetings. The President shall also distribute the schedule to all members of his club.
  2. At least one week before each meeting the President of each cub shall inform the Chairman of the Publicity Committee in order to insure proper publicity.

Section 5:

  1. At the end of each year Student Council shall designate a period for clubs/societies to present a financial review of the past year. A budget request for the forthcoming year should be submitted to Student Council to allow for determination of the club/societies allocation.
  2. Clubs/Societies are strongly encouraged to raise approximately fifty percent of their operating budget.

Section 6:

  1. In order that a club need not reapply for affiliation with Yeshiva College Student Council at the beginning of each school year, it shall at all times have at least seven members, have a Faculty Advisor, and follow the regulations set forth by Yeshiva College Student Council.
  2. If a club does not hold at least six meetings during the school year, the Vice President shall report this at the first meeting the following year. A vote of two-thirds of Yeshiva College Student Council shall be required to dissolve the club.

Section 7:

Any group wishing to sponsor a specific activity not within the program of existing recognized organizations may petition for recognition limited to the duration of the activity, providing that the members follow all established regulations for recognized organizations.

ARTICLE XI Student Court

Section 1:

  1. The Student Court of Yeshiva College shall consist of a chief Justice, an associate justice and two senior justices, all of whom must be seniors, and one junior justice ho must be a junior.
  2. One clerk, who must be at least a Sophomore shall be appointed to keep records of all proceedings of the Student Court.
  3. The president of the Yeshiva College Student Council shall appoint all justices and the clerk at the first meeting of the new student council, with the approval of the Yeshiva College Student Council.

Section 2:

  1. A quorum of the Student Court shall consist of a majority of the Justices.
  2. Upon request of the chief justice all justices shall hear a case.
  3. All trials of the student court shall be open, unless a closed trial is requested either by the chief justice or the defendant.
  4. The justices shall meet privately and release a majority decision within two days after the case has been heard.
  5. A written copy of the decision shall be given to the defendant and a copy shall be retained on record with the deletion of all names involved.

Section 3:

  1. All proceedings and testimony shall be regarded as confidential except when information is released for counseling purposes.
  2. No information may be released without a written request and the permission of the Student Court.

Section 4:

  1. Any defendant may appeal his case if new evidence is found.
  2. The chief justice, and the dean in any case involving suspension or expulsion, shall decide if the evidence is worthy of a new trial.

Section 5:

  1. The Student Court shall have jurisdiction over the following matters:
  2. All student activities sponsored by the Yeshiva College Student Council and its subsidiaries.
  3. All students of Yeshiva College as spectators at all Yeshiva College athletic events, both home and away.
  4. All students violating rules and/or regulations established by the administration concerning extracurricular activities, as listed in the Yeshiva College catalog and dormitory handbook.

Section 6:

The Student Court shall have the power to enforce its subpoenas by means of disciplinary action against those who fail to appear.

ARTICLE XII Debts and Contracts

Section 1:

  1. At the beginning of the academic year the Treasurer of Student Council shall submit a budget with allocations for all activities and publications of Student Council.
  2. Student Council shall have no right to levy any dues upon any of its members for any reason.
  3. Student Council may sponsor a money-making project for any charity it sees fit.


Section 1:

  1. The Yeshiva College Student Council shall establish a Standing Committee to deal with proposals for constitutional Amendments, calling itself The Amendments Committee.
  2. The committee shall convene a Constitutional Amendments Convention prior to March 1st of the given year with the purpose of bringing to light all potential motions and amendments to the Yeshiva College Student Council constitution. In addition, at this time, all students should have the opportunity to state their opinions with regard to specifics of the Yeshiva College Student Council Constitution as well as propose their own amendments.
  3. Final proposals for amendments shall be voted upon by the Yeshiva College Student Council prior to March 15th of the given year. All amendments approved by a majority vote of the Yeshiva College Student Council shall be presented to the student body prior to the Yeshiva College Student Council General Elections.
  4. Ratification of amendments shall be by a 3/5 of votes cast by the student body during the General Elections, excluding blanks.

Section 2:

The original body of this constitution shall remain unedited or changed in any manner. All changes to this constitution shall be added as an addendum to the constitution. As a notice of the amendment an asterisk may be placed in the point of amendment. In a point of contradiction the Amended text shall supersede the original text.


Amendment I.

Article 2, Section 1

The President of the Sy Syms School of Business Student Association, will be a member the Vice President of business affairs of the Executive Board of the Yeshiva College Student Council.

Amendment II.

Article 2, Section 4, Paragraph 1

The Treasurer of the Yeshiva College Student Council must be at least a Junior in good standing and a full time student.

Amendment III.

Article 2, Section 4, Paragraph 3

The Treasurer shall present a detailed financial report to Student Council at the end of each semester and shall arrange, through the office of the dean of students for an audit at the end of the spring semester.

Amendment IV.

Article 2, Section 6, Paragraph 2

All class officers must be members of their respective graduating classes and be in good standing as checked upon by the Canvassing Committee, through the Office of the Dean of students and determined by the Office of the Registrar.

Amendment V.

Article 2. Section 6, Paragraph 5

The Yeshiva College Student Council officers shall arrange an annual meeting with the Dean, the members of the Guidance Department, alumni, and the Student Body to inform the Student Body of graduate school, fellowship, and career opportunities.

Amendment VI.

Article 2, Section 6, Paragraph 7

If any class officer cannot assume his duties temporarily, the officer below him in rank shall fill the position. If the vacancy is permanent, and occurs before March 1, an election shall be held within two weeks of the succession to fill the position. If the vacancy occurs after March 1, the President of the class shall appoint a replacement with the approval of the Executive Board of the Yeshiva College Student Council.

Amendment VII.

Article 2, Section 7, Paragraph 1

No student may be a member of Student Council while holding the position of a member of the Governing Board of the Commentator, Editor-in-Chief of Masmid, all Justices of the Student Court, Station Manager of WYUR, a Student Senator, or any member of a student council of another Yeshiva University school.

Amendment VIII.

Article 2, Section 7, Paragraph 2

No student may be a member of the Executive Board of the Yeshiva College Student Council while holding the position of a member of the Governing Boards of the Commentator, Masmid, WYUR, or the Dramatics Society, nor while being a Justice on Student Court or serving as Student Senator.

Amendment IX.

Article 3, Section 1, Paragraph 2

Elections for class officers for the following Junior and Senior classes shall be held no later than the second week in May.

Amendment X.

Article 3, Section 1, Paragraph 5

This Amendment is an addition to the constitution Upon official recognition of a candidates, the Canvassing Committee must publicize the date and time of the aforementioned assembly.

Amendment XI.

Article 3, Section 1

This is an addition to the constitution. Requirements for eligibility of each position must be posted three weeks before elections, i.e... minimum G.P.A., living requirements, responsibilities (as set out in this constitution), and limits of holding other positions. Declarations must be submitted two weeks before elections to the Canvassing Committee in accordance with the requirements set in the constitution for the particular position that he is running for. Executive YCSC Candidates must sign an agreement to live in the dorms. Any candidate Breaking a rule or hindering another candidate’s campaign will be temporarily disqualified pending a hearing by the student court. There shall be a spending limit of $150.00 to be adjusted for inflation accordingly (base Year 1994).

Amendment XII.

Article 3, Section 2, Paragraph 1

All students at Yeshiva College, except those jointly enrolled in high school, may vote in the election for President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Yeshiva College Student Council.

Amendment XIII.

Article 3, Section 2, Paragraph 2

All students at Yeshiva College, except those jointly enrolled in high school, who are members of a particular class at the time of elections may vote for all officers of that class for the following year.

Amendment XIV.

Article 3, Section 3, Paragraph 1

All officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast, excluding blanks, by the use of the preferential system, the elections to be conducted by the Canvassing Committee.

Amendment XV.

Article 3, Section 4, Paragraph 1

All Yeshiva College Student Council (excluding the Freshman and Sophomore class representatives, who will be inducted in the Fall) shall be inducted by the outgoing President in the presence of the outgoing Student Council. Official duties of the incoming officers will be assumed upon graduation day of the Senior class.

Amendment XVI.

Article 3:

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

ARTICLE IIIB Canvassing Committee

Section 1:

The Canvassing Committee shall be composed of two seniors, one junior, one sophomore, and one freshman.

Section 2:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all candidates meet their qualifications for their respective positions as defined in Article II.

Section 3:

The Canvassing Committee shall have jurisdiction over the regulations of campaign spending limits, campaign advertisement limits, and the types of paraphernalia that candidates can distribute.

Section 4:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for conducting elections through a secret/closed written ballot in a way that ensures that the elections are held in as objective a fashion as possible.

Section 5:

If there are more than three candidates running for a particular position then voters shall rank the candidates.

Section 6:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for the tallying of votes.

Section 7:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for placing notification of all election rules and requirements at least two weeks prior to the election day.

Section 8:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for publicizing the Executive Council debates at least three days prior to each respective event.

Section 9:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for disqualifying all candidates who fail to meet the necessary requirements. All students interested in running for positions shall have the opportunity to notify the Canvassing Committee within at least one week after the initial notification by the Canvassing Committee of the requirements for office. As soon as possible the candidates shall be notified by the Canvassing Committee whether they do or do not meet the requirements.

Section 10:

The Canvassing Committee shall be responsible for publicizing election results as soon as possible.

Section 11:

Voting shall be done in a 1,2,3, ranking system, BUT only the #1 votes will be counted unless there is a tie. The following procedures shall govern all ties. In a Two person race, YCSC votes plurality rules. In a multi-person race where there is a tie between less than all the candidates. All ballots that rank a non first place tied candidate as #1, if the #2 choice is tied for first place those #2 become #1s. If the tie still exists YCSC votes and plurality rules. In a multi-person race where all candidates are tied: weight votes, #1 = 5pts #2 = 3pts #3 = 1pt. If still tied but at least one candidate has been dropped use #2 votes of dropped person(s) as #1 for remaining tied for first candidates. If still tied or no one was dropped by weighing system than YCSC votes and Plurality rules.

Amendment XVII.

Article 4, Section 1, Paragraph 1

The Yeshiva College Student Council shall meet either upon the discretion of the President or upon petition to the President by a majority of the Student Council within the time requested by the petition. A minimum of two such meetings must take place per semester.

Amendment XVIII.

Article 4, Section 3, Paragraph 2

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

At open meetings all students may participate in debate upon recognition by the President, but only elected Representatives shall have parliamentary power. The mandatory Council sessions will be sufficiently publicized and will be open for all students to attend. Students may speak upon recognition of the chairman of the council.

Amendment XIX.

Article 4, Section 3

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

The Yeshiva College Student Council may hold sessions in addition to the quarterly meetings, either upon the discretion of the President or upon petition to the President by a majority of the Student Council within the time requested by the petition. Additional meetings may be closed to the public if called for by the President or by petition of a majority of the student council.

Amendment XX.

Article 5

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

The powers of the Yeshiva College Student Council shall be exercised through simple majority vote of student council except in cases specifying 2/3 vote elsewhere in this Constitution.

Amendment XXI.

Article 5, Section 1, Paragraph 10

Provide for the preparation and publication of all student publications. All publications outside of the Commentator and Masmid must be approved yearly by the Yeshiva College Student Council.

Amendment XXII.

Article 5, Section 2, Paragraph 1

File petitions of initiative, referendum, and recall by a majority of the Student Body.

Amendment XXIII.

Article 6, Section 1

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

If the President is indicted the Vice President of Yeshiva College will perform the functions of the President as stated in this article.

Amendment XXIV.

Article 8, Section 1

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

No one on the Governing board may hold any governing office or seat.

Amendment XXV.

Article 8, Section 2, Paragraph 2

The Editor-in-Chief of Masmid shall be a Senior appointed in the beginning of the fall semester by a class election conducted and advertised by the Senior Class board.

Amendment XXVI.

Article 8, Section 1, Paragraph 4

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

Once the Governing Board is in place the Student Council cannot, for any reason, remove any member of the Board. A member of the Governing Board can be removed by the 2/3 decision of the other members of the Board or by a vote of the majority of the student body.

Amendment XXVII.

Article 8, Section 3

This Amendment repeals section 3 of article 8.

Amendment XXVIII.

Article 8, Section 4

This Amendment repeals section 4 of article 8.

Amendment XXIX.

Article 9, Section 1, Paragraph 2

Standing committee chairmen shall be appointed at the first meeting of the new Student Council. Other committee members shall be appointed by the second meeting.

Amendment XXX.

Article 9, Section 2, Paragraph 10

The Student Directory Committee shall publish a yearly Student-Faculty Directory with listings of names, addresses and phone numbers of all students and faculty of Yeshiva College, committee chairmen, club officers, publications, an academic calendar and a list of special events for the coming year. The student directory will also publish a government section which includes the Yeshiva College Student Council and Senate constitutions, and a letter urging students to get involved with student activities.

Amendment XXXI.

Article 10, Section 1

This Amendment is an addition to the Constitution.

This section is to be posted in the lobby of each dorm, Furst Hall, and Belfer Hall at the beginning of the fall semester.

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