Wednesday, December 25, 2024

An Index of Classic Yiddish Cinema

This is an unofficial list of classic Yiddish movies based on the catalog of the National Center for Jewish Film. 

1921 – The Wandering Jew aka The Life of Theodor Herzl

1923 – East and West (Mizrekh un Mayrev/ Ost und West)

1931 – A Cantor on Trial (Khazan afn Probe)

1931 – The Feast of Passover (Di Seder Nakht)

1931 – His Wife's Lover(Zayn Vaybs Lubovnik) 

1932 – The Return of Nathan Becker (Nosn Becker Fort Aheym)

1932 – The Unfortunate Bride (Di Umgliklikhe Kale)

1933 – A Vilna Legend (Dem Rebns Koyekh)

1933 – The Wandering Jew (Der Vanderner Yid)

1935 – Children Must Laugh (Mir Kumen On)

1935 – Yosl Cutler and His Puppets

1936 – Love and Sacrifice (Libe und Laydnshaft)

1936 – Yiddle With His Fiddle (Yidl Mitn Fidl)

1937 – The Cantor's Son (Dem Khazns Zundl) 

1937 – The Dybbuk (Der Dibuk)

1937 – Green Fields (Grine Felder)

1937 – I Want To Be A Boarder (Ich Vil Zeyn a Boarder)

1937 – The Jester (Der Purimspiler)

1937 – Jolly Paupers (Freylekhe Kabtsonim)

1937 – The Living Orphan (Der Lebediker Yusem)

1937 – Where is My Child? (Vu iz Mayn Kind?)

1938 – The Singing Blacksmith (Yankl Der Schmid)

1938 – Two Sisters (Tsvey Shvester)

1939 – A Letter to Mother (A Brivele der Mamen)

1939 – The Light Ahead (Fishke der Krumer)

1939 – Mothers of Today (Hayntige Mames)

1939 – Without a Home (On a Heym)

1940 – American Matchmaker (Amerikaner Shadkhn)

1940 – Overture to Glory (Der Vilner Balebesl)

1949 – God, Man and Devil (Got, Mentsch, un Taybl)

At some point I want to do a podcast where I review most of these films. Something akin to the Kill James Bond podcast though a little more serious. If anyone would like to get in on this plan let me know. It would be good to have a 2 or 3 person cast

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