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Moving to Substack (Kind of)

I've had some of this blog moved over to subtack for some time.  lazymasmid.substack.com I think I will post new things in parrallel on...

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

An Index of Classic Yiddish Cinema

This is an unofficial list of classic Yiddish movies based on the catalog of the National Center for Jewish Film. 

1921 – The Wandering Jew aka The Life of Theodor Herzl https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/theodor_herzl.htm

1923 – East and West (Mizrekh un Mayrev/ Ost und West) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/eastandwest.htm

1931 – A Cantor on Trial (Khazan afn Probe) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/cantor.html

1931 – The Feast of Passover (Di Seder Nakht) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/feastofpassover.htm

1931 – His Wife's Lover(Zayn Vaybs Lubovnik) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/hiswifeslover.htm 

1932 – The Return of Nathan Becker (Nosn Becker Fort Aheym) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/returnofnathanbecker.htm

1932 – The Unfortunate Bride (Di Umgliklikhe Kale) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/unfortunatebride.htm

1933 – A Vilna Legend (Dem Rebns Koyekh) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/avilnalegend.htm

1933 – The Wandering Jew (Der Vanderner Yid) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/wand.html

1935 – Children Must Laugh (Mir Kumen On) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/filmsaz.htm

1935 – Yosl Cutler and His Puppets https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/yoslcutler.html

1936 – Love and Sacrifice (Libe und Laydnshaft) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/loveand.html

1936 – Yiddle With His Fiddle (Yidl Mitn Fidl) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/yiddle.htm

1937 – The Cantor's Son (Dem Khazns Zundl) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/CantorsSon.htm 

1937 – The Dybbuk (Der Dibuk) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/dybbuk.html

1937 – Green Fields (Grine Felder) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/greenfields.htm

1937 – I Want To Be A Boarder (Ich Vil Zeyn a Boarder) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/boarder.htm

1937 – The Jester (Der Purimspiler) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/jester.htm

1937 – Jolly Paupers (Freylekhe Kabtsonim) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/jollypaupers.htm

1937 – The Living Orphan (Der Lebediker Yusem) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/LivingOrphan.htm

1937 – Where is My Child? (Vu iz Mayn Kind?) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/whereismychild.htm

1938 – The Singing Blacksmith (Yankl Der Schmid) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/singingblacksmith.htm

1938 – Two Sisters (Tsvey Shvester) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/twosisters.htm

1939 – A Letter to Mother (A Brivele der Mamen) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/alettertomother.htm

1939 – The Light Ahead (Fishke der Krumer) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/lightahead.htm

1939 – Mothers of Today (Hayntige Mames) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/mothersoftoday.html

1939 – Without a Home (On a Heym) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/withoutahome.htm

1940 – American Matchmaker (Amerikaner Shadkhn) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/americanmatchmaker.htm

1940 – Overture to Glory (Der Vilner Balebesl) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/Overture.htm

1949 – God, Man and Devil (Got, Mentsch, un Taybl) https://jewishfilm.org/Catalogue/films/godmananddevil.htm

At some point I want to do a podcast where I review most of these films. Something akin to the Kill James Bond podcast though a little more serious. If anyone would like to get in on this plan let me know. It would be good to have a 2 or 3 person cast

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Moving to Substack (Kind of)

I've had some of this blog moved over to subtack for some time. lazymasmid.substack.com I think I will post new things in parrallel on both blogs. I will leave my less coherent rants for this website. 

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