Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saw Bones - The Sabbath Visitor

For scientific purposes, I have collected all the correspondences of Saw Bones that I can find. 


Bibliography of Rabbi Julius T. Loeb's Writings

Rabbi Julius T. Loeb (Yehuda Leib Tukachinsky) was a prolific writer. Despite his literary activity, he never published a book. Instead, he chose to write articles and letters to the editor of his local newspapers. Though he never published his lecture notes, many excerpts of his moving addresses were printed in local papers. 

I intend to include all articles and letters to the editor written directly by Rabbi Loeb, any subtantial reproductions of his sermons, and any translations that he was credited with.

At the moment, I only have access digitized newspapers that are available freely online or through public library subscriptions. I know that Rabbi Loeb definitely wrote more than I have been able to locate, since many of the papers he likely wrote in have not been digitized or were lost to time.

As I locate more of his writings, I will try to update this list. Of course let me know if any of the links are broken. 

Julius T. Loeb, “Jewish Sympathy: Prayer of the Israelites of Palestine for Success of American Arms,” Nashville Banner (Nashville, TN), Aug. 17, 1898. (See Original Hebrew Prayer.)

Sorrowing People: Services Yesterday Afternoon and Evening in Memory of McKinley: At Adath Israel Synagogue,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Sept. 20, 1901. 

Synagogue of Adath Israel: Yom Kippur Celebrated with Solemn and Impressive Services,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Sept. 26, 1901.  

Suggests an Exception: Dr. Loeb Asks that Sunday Closing Law Shall Not be Universal,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), May 28, 1902. (See also Washington Times)  

Julius T. Loeb, “Attitude of the Hebrew on the Sunday Bill,” Evening Times (Washington, DC), May 29, 1902.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Assimilation of the Jew: A Reply to Rabbi Joseph Silverman,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Dec. 27, 1902. (Printing error in author’s name, says Louis T. Loeb, see Washington Times Dec. 28, 1902, for correction to Julius T. Loeb)

Julius T. Loeb, “Jewish Assimilation and the Ghetto,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Jan. 4, 1903.  

Julius T. Loeb, “’The Truth at Funerals’ Once More: No Human Being So Vile That Something Good May Not Be Said of Him After Death,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Jan. 25, 1903.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Anti-Jewish Outrages in Russia,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), May 4, 1903.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Guilt is With Russia: Government Accused of Inciting Murder of Jews,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), May 24, 1903.

Another Page from Kishinev’s Story: Horrors of the Massacre Told by One of the Survivors,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), June 14, 1903.   

Julius T. Loeb, “Assimilation the Greatest Evil to Befall the Jew: A Reply to the Criticism of the Hon. Simon Wolf Upon the Zionist Movement,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Sept. 20, 1903.  

Theodore Herzl Head of Zionism: Memorial Services in Adath Israel Synagogue,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), July 18, 1904.  

Hebrews at Worship: Adath Israel Synagogue,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Sept. 10, 1904. (See Also Washington Times, St. Louis RepublicPine Bluff Daily Graphic

Julius T. Loeb, “Menace to the Nation: Why Jews Oppose Teaching Religion in Schools,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), April 10, 1905.

In Adath-Israel’s Aid: Contributions Toward the Building of the Synagogue,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Oct. 10, 1905.  

Julius T. Loeb, “What is Religion?Evening Star (Washington, DC), Nov. 19. 1905.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Relief for the Russian Jews,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Dec. 16, 1905.  

Let the Jews Colonize: Rabbi Loeb Suggests They Gather in Palestine,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Jan. 21, 1906.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Solution of the Problem,” Jewish Daily News (New York, NY), Jan. 26, 1906.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Anti-Semitism Must be Fought,” Jewish Daily News (New York, NY), Sept. 2, 1906. 

Julius T. Loeb, “Repentance,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Oct. 14, 1906.  

Hebrew Poem to Simon Wolf Commemorating His Birthday,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Oct. 30, 1906.  

Cornerstone Placed: Address by Rabbi J. T. Loeb,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Nov. 22, 1906.  (See Also Washington Times)

Advises His Brethren: Rev. H Masliansky, Famous Yiddish Lecturer, Delivers Remarkable Address in this City,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Jan. 6, 1907.  

His 70th Milestone: Honors to Representative Member of Washington Hebrew Congregation,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Jan. 16, 1907.  

Favor Army Canteen: Prominent Religious Workers are with Movement for its Restoration,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), Feb. 10, 1907.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Why the Jew of Today is Not a Prohibitionist,” Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, MD), April 28, 1907. 

"Need Markets for Atlanta: Rabbi J. T. Loeb Talks Interestingly of His Observations," Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA), Aug. 24, 1907.

"Jewish New Year is Ushered In: Rabbi Julius T. Loeb Preaches An Eloquent Sermon," Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA), Sept. 9, 1907. 

Menace to Morals: Rabbi Loeb Tells Reason for Opposing Prohibition,” Washington Herald (Washington, DC), Oct. 20, 1907.  

Julius T. Loeb, “What is Zionism?Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), July 4, 1909. Part 2 

Julius T. Loeb, “The Right of Jewish Renationalization,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Aug. 22, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Jew in the Turkish Revolution,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Sept. 5, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Jewish New Year,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Sept. 11, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Jew in the Turkish Revolution [Part 2],” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Sept. 12, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Borrowed from the Treasures of Judah,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Nov. 7, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Burning Question,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Nov. 21, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The Burning Question — No. 2,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), Nov. 28, 1909.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Halley’s Comet: Its Orbit Calculated and Described in Talmud Nineteen Hundred Years Ago,” American Israelite (Cincinnati, OH), Dec. 2, 1909. (See Also Jewish VoicePacific Commercial Advertiser)  

Julius T. Loeb, “Passover Feast to Begin at Sundown,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), April 23, 1910.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Letters to the Editor: Explains Jewish Editorial,” Birmingham Age-Herald (Birmingham, AL), May 27, 1911.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Russian Priest’s Confession,” Birmingham News (Birmingham, AL), Jan. 12, 1913.

Julius T. Loeb, “Rabbi Loeb Tells Additional Historical Facts Concerning American History on Race,” Birminham News (Birmingham, AL), April 6, 1913.

Julius T. Loeb, "Brandeis and Zionism," Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA), Sept. 23, 1913.

Julius T. Loeb, "Passover and World's Freedom," Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA), April 12, 1914. 

The Hebrew Faith and the Quart-a-Month Law: Interesting Correspondence Between Rabbi Julius T. Loeb and Attorney General Thomas H. Peeples,” Herald And News (Newberry, SC), June 5, 1917.  

Plea for Support of Zionist Cause: Rabbi Loeb Presents Ten Reasons for Consideration by Americans,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), April 5, 1922.  

Julius T. Loeb, “Washington Rabbi Reports Dream Visitation from Dead Mother of Boy He Buried,” Washington Times (Washington, DC), Feb. 18, 1923. Continued

Offers Tribute to Dead in Wars,” Evening Star (Washington, DC), May 29, 1923.  

Julius T. Loeb, "Jewish Community Center Essential to Meet Need Synagogue Does Not Fill, Says Rabbi Loeb," Washington Herald (Washington, DC), Nov. 11, 1923.

Julius T. Loeb, “Religion and Americanism as Seen by a Rabbi,” Washington Daily News (Washington, DC), Oct. 7, 1924.

Rabbi Pays Tribute to Heroes in Radio Address to G.A.R.,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), June 7, 1925.

Julius T. Loeb, “Rabbi Makes Argument Against Enforced Sunday Observance,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), March 28, 1926.

Rabbi Holds Flag Emblems of Peace Rather Than War: Dr. Julius T. Loeb Urges Patriotism Free From Chauvinism,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), June 6, 1926.

Julius T. Loeb, “Jewish New Year Time of Rejoicing: Rabbi Tells Story,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), Sept. 5, 1926.

Julius T. Loeb, “Quake in Holy Land Killed 886, But Not One Jew, Says Rabbi,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), Sept. 25, 1927.

Julius T. Loeb, “Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Head of Zionist Organization Praised by Rabbi Loeb for His Activities and Leadership in Rebuilding Palestine for ‘Scattered Nation,’Washington Post (Washington, DC), May 20, 1928.

"Rabbi Urges Modification," Omaha Sunday Bee-News (Omaha, NE), March 3, 1929.

Death is Blow to Jews, Rabbi J. T. Loeb Asserts,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), Sept. 12, 1929.

Keynote of Rosh Hashana is Justice, Rabbi Explains,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), Sept. 11, 1931.

Julius T. Loeb, "Mussolini and the Jews in Italy," Washington Post (Washington, DC), May 31, 1937.

"Loeb Demands Jerusalem Be Given to Jews," Washington Post (Washington, DC), July 19, 1937.

Julius T. Loeb, "Jews in Palestine: Rabbi Replies to Letter in Post Criticizing Zionists," Washington Post (Washington, DC), Aug. 8, 1937.

Religion Motivates History, Loeb Says,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), June 14, 1938.

Julius T. Loeb, “Jews in Spain: Assurance New State is Not Anti-Semitic Gratifies Rabbi,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), March 26, 1939.

Julius T. Loeb, “Preparedness for Peace: Greatest Boon to Mankind is Highest Ideal in Judaism,” Reform Advocate (Chicago, IL), Feb. 23, 1940.  

Julius T. Loeb, “The World’s Crying Need,” Washington Post (Washington, DC), Sept. 21, 1941.

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